Tony Tries Stuff

🌍 How to find some like-minded individuals in the 21st Century #TonyTries #Community #SK4

In today's post, we look at some options for building an online community. A community could be a great way to engage with like-minded people and find people who share your niche. We showcase some of the options available to build your own community for free

Welcome to TonyTriesStuff,

We here are keen on trying new hobbies to increase our repertoire of skills. Whether you’ve stumbled across this for the first time or are a regular, thanks for taking the time to look through what I have created. Read on to start your journey towards mastering skills that you are passionate about.

Today we are looking at the options available to build an online community. Building online communities have become so much easier with platforms such as Reddit, Discord and Facebook providing free options to set up a community. This allows people of similar backgrounds or interests to find one another.


The new normal of socialising with people

I regularly engage with online communities to find others interested in my niche and to connect with friends. Some examples of communities I engage with are:

If you explore what’s available to you, I’m sure you’ll find a niche that interests you as well!

Investment required: $0

We shall look at some popular platforms and how they allow us to build a community. I'll showcase a community that I engage with regularly first and then showcase the communities I have created.


Facebook has had a bad rep recently. A summary of why Facebook lost its reputation can be found here.

Despite these issues, some useful services are provided by Facebook such as a marketplace that directly connects buyers and sellers and groups where like-minded individuals can find and engage with others like them.

If you are still interested, continue reading. If not, skip forward to the next section.

A group that I regularly connect with: The Web Developer Bootcamp

This is a Facebook group that I have found quite useful. I was added to it when I purchased a course on web development. Since then, I have noticed the following attributes that make it quite useful:

Through the following points above, people feel more encouraged to complete the course and help share a sense of community similar to a classroom in the online age.

The group that I created: TonyTriesStuff

This group aims to bring people who are enthusiastic about learning new skills together so that we can learn from each other. I particularly hope the mentorship feature would come in handy for people looking for support from others to further their craft.


Discord is fairly new having started in 2015 but has taken the world by storm. It was started as a place for gamers to communicate with their friends while playing multi-player games but has since evolved into a community-focused social media.

It's a place where they can be themselves and spend time with other people who share their interests and hobbies. There's no algorithm deciding what they should see, no endless scrolling, and no news feed. Conversations on Discord are driven by shared interests.


A Discord that I regularly connect with: Call Me Kevin

Youtuber CallMeKevin runs this Discord server. In this server of roughly 35,000 members, people can engage with various channels such as fanart, pets-of-cmk and video-discussions where people post channel-related content to engage with others in the community on similar topics. People also have the option of chatting with others in the community through voice chat. Overall, it provides a sense of community among members who share a common interest

The Discord that I have: TonyTriesStuff

Through Discord, I hope to further the sense of community and make it available to people who use Discord to engage with communities.


Reddit has been gaining popularity among social media platforms recently according to a study done by Reddit. It has been particularly helpful for people to find and engage with a range of communities.

There are a ton of different topics being talked about on Reddit. Everyone can find something or someone they are interested in or relate to.

Male 18-24, Reddit

A Subreddit that I found useful: r/VALORANT

When I was learning how to improve my aim in SK1, I came across r/VALORANT which provided me with a community of people who play Valorant. I came to the community with a question regarding which resource was worth buying. In the end, after reviewing several posts, I concluded that most of the resources were freely available on YouTube. Therefore, having a community such as this one helps with questions that arise in any area.

The Subreddit that I have: r/TonyTriesStuff

This is a subreddit that I just started with an aim to help answer questions about learning new skills and encouraging others to learn with discussions and monthly challenges.

Through communities, we can find new social connections and develop new interests and strengthen old ones.

That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoyed reading how to create an online community (SK4). I hope the communities that I have created help you to find and learn new skills. Do leave a comment and subscribe if you want to be inspired to learn new skills.

Until next time,



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